Laura Wright / L. Chambers-Wright

Laura Wright, who also writes under L. Chambers-Wright, has been a lifelong storyteller. Her first professional publications began in high school and have continued since. Wright has held various positions, including Staff writer, freelance writer, contributing writer, and Guest Columnist with numerous publications and web sites around the globe.

Wright began writing two weeks after the death of her father, at 13. Writing has taken her through the full spectrum with poetry, lyrics, short stories, fiction novels, and non-fiction books.

Wright self-published several small books prior to acceptance with a traditional publisher. Her first novel, While I’m Dying, was published as an ebook and gained over 1,000,000 pages read within two years. She is a staunch advocate for new methods and mediums in professional publication and encourages authors to explore all publishing options with caution and objectivity.

Her second book, Timeslips & Terrors, was an anthology of horror and suspense stories. The stories in Timeslips spanned fifteen years of writing. Virginia Creeper was the third novel for Wright. She went on to author the young adult novel, Black Diamond, Life Literally: A Practical Guide to High-Functioning Autism, Moonshine, and Bizarre Tri-Cities: Our Unusual History Through 1950.

She currently lives in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with her family and several pets. She continues to chronicle Appalachian history and lore at her website: Virginia Creeper. Her obscure history and folklore blog can be found at


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